Final event



9:30 - 9:40 - opening





We are happy to introduce Kim Aerts, Adjunct Director of Atheneum Willebroek, and her testimony of what they are creating after the Learning M!X was introduced in her school. Atheneum Willebroek took the plunge and restructured a large portion of their timetable into a more flexible model. They have adapted both their digital and physical organization to fit this new system and are now thriving in their delivery of Self Regulated Learning.

10:40 - 11:00 - NETWORKING & COFFEE

During netwerk moments you can also talk with participating Ed Tech companies

11:00 - 12:00 - CENTRAL KEYNOTE - GUY LEVI & Carla Aerts

Guy and Carla will present there keynote together with a focus on questions like... 

Guy and Carla will present a refreshing view on these and more questions. They will emphasize the importance of metacognition and learning design from a pedagogical and an Edtech perspective. they will also emphasize how teachers and students can collaborate in learning design. 

Guy Levi

Learning Innovation expert with a demonstrated history of introducing innovative pedagogy on a national and global scale. In the last three years focusing on L&D of 21st-century learning – theory and practice, and developing a unique learning model for Nano-courses, based on AI and machine learning. Guy is also a front runner in the OECD Learning Compass 2030

Carla Aerts

Carla is an inter-discplinary thought leader and practitioner in LearnTech and EdTech informed by the Learning Sciences and Learner-Centric design. She was Director of Futures at UCL - Institute of Education, Global Digital Director Education at Cambridge University Press. She set up and ran an interdisciplinary EdTech Think Tank, the Tmrw Institute, which engaged with politicians, policy makers, academia, educators, EdTech and practitioners considering international key challenges and digital trends in education and learning.

Boardmember of R:Ed Africa, the advisory board of ErasmusX at Erasmus University Rotterdam, steering committee of DEFI at Cambridge University WEF’s,  Expert Network for AI and the working group on AI and Youngsters. Founder of Refracted!, ...

12:00 - 13:00 - NETWORKING & LUNCH 

13:00 - 14:00 - WORKSHOPS I - FOCUS ON SRL


Boost your digital competence by activating your SRL skills
Juuso Kojo, Kateryna Zabolotna & Jonna Malmberg 


WHAT? Self-regulated learning (SRL) is considered one of the 21st century transferable competences that are essential for learning and living in the modern age. The skills it encompasses, i.e., the ability to plan, monitor and reflect on one’s learning process, have been proven essential for both teachers and learners as well as parents, especially in the past couple of years when the pandemic hit the globe. SRL capabilities have the potential to help all education stakeholders, from students, teachers, and parents up to the level of education systems to realise in-depth the opportunities and challenges related to the use of digital technology today, that have been dramatically underlined through the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic.


WHY? Recent research and practice have been increasingly focusing on how teachers can develop, activate and support SRL skills in learners. However, being able to harness the potential of digital technology to augment, extend, and support learning and teaching in the current landscape of education first of all requires teachers to know how to self-regulate their own learning.  The global pandemic has shown that for many teachers across different countries a rapid transition into online and remote teaching and the increased use of technology has become a great challenge. Earlier studies have evidenced a relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs in terms of the technological pedagogical content knowledge and attitude towards digitization. Especially, in situations that are seen novel, self-efficacy beliefs might hamper, so being aware of one’s own SRL skills is necessary especially in challenging situations.



The workshop is grounded on Finnish training focusing to increase primary and secondary school subject teachers’ digital competencies. The aim is to demonstrate how teachers' awareness of their self-regulated learning (SRL) skills is connected to multidisciplinary digital competencies needed in the current landscape of education.  We will specifically focus on 1) EU-wide digital tools aimed at measuring digital competences (SELFIEforTEACHERS), and 2) SRL as the grounding for evaluating and improving one’s own digital competences. Through the use of simple digital tools we will showcase how awareness of one’s own SRL skills can be prompted and how different dimensions of SRL, e.g., cognition, motivation, emotions, affect one’s readiness to use their digital competences.



dr. michael hallissy


This workshop will locate SRL in the context of EU digital education policy and specifically the Digital Education Action Plan. The workshop will explore the findings from the INSTALL-ed Project and consider what implications these might have for digital education policy at the EU level and in the partner countries. In addition, it will consider how the Edtech industry can better support member states in activating SRL through the use of digital tools. 

Session 3
Digital Tools & SRL

Marina Kurvits & Kairit tammets

This workshop will introduce you to how learning technologies can be applied to support students’ SRL. We will introduce four patterns related to students' challenges regarding SRL ( understand tasks, goal setting, choose suitable teaching strategies and reflect on their own learning experience. Patterns are illustrated with the pedagogical scenarios implemented in technology-enhanced learning environments by the teachers involved in project activities. This provides an in-depth understanding of how a variety of learning technologies can be embedded into flipped classroom settings to support students’ SRL. Such theory-driven pedagogical practices are valuable resources for teachers, but also for technology developers who are interested in developing pedagogy-grounded learning technologies for the teaching and learning.

This provides an in-depth understanding of how a variety of learning technologies can be embedded into flipped classroom settings to support students’ SRL. Such theory-driven pedagogical practices are valuable resources for teachers, but also for technology developers who are interested in developing pedagogy-grounded learning technologies for the teaching and learning.

Session 4 The Learning M!X, a concept for digital SRL classroom management

Karolien Vertriest, MARK WILLEMS, Jördi Gerry

Self Regulated Learning is still a disruptive idea for the majority of K12 schools. It requires: a new role for teachers, a new role for students, a learning design that manages self regulated learning, more collaboration between teachers, better integration of different types of learning activities in a manageable self-regulated-flow,... Digital learning tools/platforms can bring together digital & non digital learning activities and make them both student-and teacher manageable. These activity templates, called Learning M!Xes, can be designed according to student needs and the learning context.  Learning M!X is a  systematic approach for SRL.  

In this project we guided 8 pilot schools to approach systematic SRL-implentation from the learningM!X framework approach. They all designed learning M!X templates (projectM!X, ThemeM!X, FlexM!X,...), aligned with their student needs, vision and context. Then they translate their templates into their preferred digital platform. This collaboration on concrete SRL-classroom management works as a catalyst that helps teacher teams grow to an impactful  SRL-practice where students have authonomie within the boundries of their own SRL-capabilities. Students that systematically use SRL- skills will systematicly  train and improve their metacognitive sckill set. 




The scientific, technological and digital evolutions witnessed in today’s world, demands new questions and approaches of education. Current education modes and models, too often hinging on the acquisition of knowledge and passing exams or tests. Such modes are more than ever in dissonance with the demands, questions and issues of the world. New skills and inter-disciplinary competencies are needed to tackle these big questions and for youngsters to thrive.

COVID-19 highlighted the importance of EdTech and technologies for learning and teaching, and the sector has witnessed considerable growth and expansion, informed by gamification, machine learning and data science for adaptive learning and measuring of student progress. Yet, its impact remains limited and too much focus has been dedicated to retrofitting the use of EdTech to current education models, rather than become a transformative game-changer underpinned by innovation and appropriate pedagogical approaches.

Learning how to learn and knowing how to know are core skills for today’s learners to thrive in a world of lifelong learning. This relies on new approaches in which SRL and metacognitive skills are paramount. A new opportunity for EdTech. In this workshop we will consider the design of new ‘Learn Tech’ approaches to augment and enable the development and nurturing of these skills and competencies, reducing workload for teachers and learners.

SessioN 6

 UPIX hands-on Workshop


WHY? UPIX is an innovative pedagogical model which harnesses UI (User Interface), UX (User eXperience), and UP (User Pedagogy) for planning, development, implementation, and evaluation. The uniqueness of UPIX is its flexible structure, enabling it to deconstruct learning and pedagogical components and reconstruct them in new ways under the UPIX parts for new and innovative learning. The agility of the UPIX model enables to start the learning development journey from either the Pedagogy (the learning theory and practice), the eXperience (the involvement and engagement), or the Interface (the learning environment, digital tools, time and space). UPIX requires the developers to refer to the connections between the components; thus, where one begins is not essential. This is crucial as it enables educators to start from the relevant context or level, let’s say a unique learning space (UI), connect it to the experience they want their learners to engage in (UX), and look for the appropriate pedagogical concepts (UP). In the case of INSTALL-ed, UPIX can offer a new holistic view of SRL, providing the participants, as mentioned above, a practical model for planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of learning, “off” the instructional models, moving to learning design models that takes SRL at its core.

What? In the hands-on workshop, participants will be presented with the UPIX model and have the opportunity to explore and observe teachers’ (and learners’, where appropriate) SRL attitudes and practices in new methods. Alternatively, teachers can engage with other pedagogical and learning development based on the UPIX model – asking different questions, connecting diverse concepts, and building or mapping a new learning ecosystem. The collaborative work may generate actionable outputs that can be introduced to their practice.

14:00 - 14:15 - NETWORKING & COFFEE

During netwerk moments you can also talk with participating Ed Tech companies


We collaborated with 8 schools and 6 Ed Tech companies. THe following workshops will make you part of that process.


 Smartschool - primary & secondary education - Learning M!X, SRL

TOM De Cock & Jan SchUEr

Smartschool is a Belgian School- & Learning Management System. It facilitates a wide spectrum of administrative- and pedagogical school processes.  However, Self Regulated Learning (SRL) is a fairly new and growing approach that challenges schools in reorganizing classroom practices that aim for high quality standards. 

The Learning M!X is a systemic approach that helps schools and teachers to implement SRL in their practices. Therefore, Smartschool embraced this idea of the Learning M!X and started a design collaboration within some of GO!'s Learning M!X pilot schools. The Learning M!X is a concept that allows schools to flip ownership of the learning process to students. 

Students here by can self-manage small steps or learning activities. Teachers can prepare their lessons in physical & digital Learning activities. During classes they can have dashboards of how the learning process enfolds. That will help them to manage both instruction & coaching efforts. 

This approach creates more calm & focus during classes. In this workshop Smartschool will show you some new feature designs around this topic. Since these are designs, you are invited to give feedback or suggest new features that may even be incorporated in the final Smartschool Learning M!X solution. 

In general, you will learn about Learning M!X principals and how you can implement them yourself.

Digitale methode - secondary education - Learning M!X, SRL

Bram faems

Digitale Methode is a Belgian educational content provider that allows teachers to assemble and edit their materials. The platform also makes an effort to balance both digital and physical learning. However, Self Regulated Learning is a fairly new and growing approach and not all schools are ready to implement this. 

The Learning M!X can help schools and teachers to implement SRL in their classroom practices. Digitale Methode embraced this idea because it is compatible with their vision of balancing physical and digital learning efforts and because it can smoothen implementation efforts in schools. The Learning M!X is a concept that allows schools to flip ownership of the learning process to students. 

Students here can self-manage small steps or learning activities. Teachers can prepare their lessons in physical & digital Learning activities. During classes they can have dashboards of how the learning process enfolds. That will help them to manage both instruction & coaching efforts. This approach creates more calm & focus during classes. 

In this workshop Digitale Methode will share what they have learned from a Learning M!X pilot school and they will show you how this resulted in new feature designs. Since these are designs, you can also give feedback or new ideas that may even be incorporated in a final Digitale Methode Learning M!X solution. In general, you will learn about Learning M!X principals and how you can implement them yourself.

Bookwidgets - primary and secondary education - Learning M!X, SRL


Bookwidgets is a Belgian Ed-Tech tool that is used worldwide to create interactive educational exercises and evaluations. It saves time grading, motivates students, with a well designed set of 46 interactive widgets. Also teachers can share their exercises with one another. 

Using BookWidgets also implies individual work and tasks for students. Self Regulated Learning as a fairly new and growing concept, can help to look at these individual learning tasks from a broader perspective. The Learning M!X concept tries to make SRL concrete and manageable for teachers. 

It can help teachers to implement SRL in their classroom practices. Therefore, Bookwidgets was enthusiastic about this idea and adapted their widgets to fit the concept called Learning M!X. Learning M!X will allow a teacher to flip ownership before, during & after classes to students. Students here can self-manage small steps or learning activities. 

Teachers can prepare their lessons in both physical & digital learning activities. During classes teachers will have a dashboard showing how the learning process enfolds for the group and individual students. That will help teachers to organize and manage both instruction & coaching efforts. This approach creates more calm & focus during classes. 

In this workshop BookWidgets will demo the Learning M!X. You can then try and play around with this widget and ask questions. You can also give feedback about the new widget concept or bring some new ideas. In general, you will learn about Learning M!X principals and how you can implement them yourself. 

Using Microsoft Teams and Onenote in Self Regulated Learning practices  FOR primary and secondary education 

Kris vande moortel

Introducing Microsoft is unnecessary. Also, their efforts and vision towards educational transformation is possibly unprecedented. Especially with regard to inclusion. Microsoft goes very far in new developments and opens up common practices to those for whom it previously presented unprecedented obstacles. For example, the Immersive Reader or live subtitling make a huge difference for many students on a daily basis. 

Self Regulated Learning is also a concept that Microsoft is covering in their educational approach. In this workshop, Microsoft will demo how you can use MS Teams & OneNote for SRL- purposes.  Then you can try it out yourself and play around with these tips & tricks. There will also be room to share ideas and experiences between all workshop participants.


 Gynzy  - Primary education, Learning M!X, SRL

Kristof de baere & Marijke

 rudi hendrickx

Gynzy is a student learning platform that started in the Netherlands and is now starting up in Flanders with a Flemish team. Gynzy develops E-content and provides 6 different didactic approaches for schools in how they want to organize their learning.  The idea of the Learning M!X was a very complementary way for them to look at class management from a SRL-perspective. 

The Learning M!X is a concept that allows schools to flip ownership of the learning process to students. Students here can self-manage small steps or learning activities. Teachers can prepare their lessons in physical & digital Learning activities. During classes they can have dashboards of how the learning process enfolds. That will help them to manage both instruction & coaching efforts. This approach creates more calm & focus during classes. 

In this workshop Gynzy will share what they have learned from Learning M!X pilot schools and they will show you how this resulted in new feature designs. Since these are designs, you can also give feedback or new ideas that may even be incorporated in the final Gynzy Learning M!X solution. In general, you will learn about Learning M!X principals and how you can implement them yourself. 


 Classid - Building digital tools for SRL with schools

Vince Colson

The Classid team is passionate about using technology to improve learning in education. This learning management system LMS is designed to be user-friendly, powerful, and flexible. 

Therefore, Classid was also very interested in the learningM!X concept and how it is being implemented in pilot schools. Supporting self-regulated and collaborative learning with smart didactic features and daschboards can create focus and space. 

In this workshop, a school staff member shows how they approach learningM!X as a team and what they need from an LMS to do so. Classid will show designs of how this could be supported in their LMS. Attendees to this workshop can find inspiration in the schools approach and give feedback to classID's designs.

There will also be time for a demo demonstrating how a range of modules can support self- and collaborative learning in the current version of Classid. 

15:25 - 15:55 - DEBATE

Topic: Sustainable collaboration between (European) Education Technology and education, training institutions and public authorities



The European education technology (EdTech) sector is a key source of innovation in digital education and it is growing fast. However, it remains highly fragmented, often lacking the experience and capacity to effectively cooperate with education and training institutions and public authorities in a sustainable manner.



15:55 - 16:00 - CLOSING WORDS

How we hope this project can create new beginnings. THANKS TO ALL THE PARTNERS AND PARTICIPANTS!

16:00 - 17:00 - NETWORKING & RECEPTION

During netwerk moments you can also talk with participating Ed Tech companies