6_Story van Elke
Design principle nr. 6: (6) Doelen dashboards
A goal-oriented approach: Elke's story
As a language and history teacher, Elke is always looking for new ways to improve her approach. She is didactically strong and gives good instructions and exercises, but also wants to be able to strengthen her pupils' metacognition (reflecting on and directing her own learning). She read that this can bring great learning gains. A goal-oriented approach and also being able to monitor and coach students from those goals is very important to her.
Elke therefore dreams of a goal dashboard in which she can track her pupils' progress and thus challenge and inspire them. So far, she has found a way with an Excel, but that becomes difficult to maintain in terms of workload. It would be nice if things were better integrated digitally, so she doesn't have to keep track of that info manually, she thought.
Recently Elke wanted to try a new tool, TimeTrack (fictief). That one also works seamlessly with her goals framework. She also got very excited when she learned that the tool is integrated with a learning platform. More than that, that learning platform gave nice goal overviews (goals offered, goals executed, status) and also integrated results of exercises on the goals. Thus, Elke without plan burden would get a better view of students' progress and needs.
However, this learning platform is not what Elke's school group works with. Switching to another learning platform is therefore far from obvious. Elke thought it would be nice if such data could be integrated into targets. It would be easier for her to embrace innovations such as the TimeTrack tool and she would have a faster and more accurate overview of the progress with less planning burden. Moreover, she would also be able to properly compare which approach and materials are most effective for which goals.
Elke then thought of a trial subscription to a government project. A platform that integrates various tools. Would there be an opportunity there?