IO5: Guide for Policymakers
Self-regulated Learning with Technology: A Guide for Policymakers
This output aims to capture the learning from the project and present it in a form of guidelines and recommendations that will be relevant to policy makers, school management and practitioners.
It will use the evidence from the school implementation in the formulation of recommendation and guidelines. In line with the Digital Education Action Plan: “to help develop a shared understanding at EU level of the approaches needed for distance, online and blended learning that is effective, inclusive and engaging”, the Guide will frame SRL within the context of this Council Recommendation and focus on how school systems can prepare their learners to be effective lifelong learners, particularly in distance, online and blended learning.
The report will provide the necessary evidence for adopting a multi-stakeholder and holistic approach when aiming for educational innovation. Such evidence is necessary to convince future adopters, working in school practice, teacher education, policy, and research, to use our project’s results/outputs. Although the report, presenting the evidence of the project through a policy lens, is the most appropriate format for informing, contacting, and raising awareness of policy makers and researchers, the report is of course also available to teacher educators, teachers, ICT coordinators, school principals etc. wanting to learn more about the science and empirical evidence behind the project.