1_Story: Koen & Arber

Design principle nr. 1: <Context-driven personalization>

Empowering Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning with Koen

(Voor Nederlands , scroll naar boven)

Koen believes that a learner-centered approach is crucial for developing metacognition and self-regulated learning (SRL) in his students and enhancing their academic progress. To implement this approach, Koen adopts a new teaching method that focuses on developing his students' metacognition and SRL. He designs his lessons as learning activities and provides his students with a digital overview of all (physical & digital) learning activities. His students are given the freedom to choose what they want to learn, when they want to learn it, and what support they need. Koen offers support in short instructional moments and instructional videos, freeing up time for coaching and clever peer support.

Although there are not many tools designed specifically to support this approach, Koen still utilizes various EdTech and e-content from himself, colleagues, and publishers to provide his students with a more interactive and engaging learning experience. He creates a fixed structure for each week, which his students have renamed WijsWerkM!X, enabling them to become familiar with the learning design.

By giving his students more ownership through a student-centred approach, Koen has found that Arber and the rest of his class, gradually become more confident, self-directed and motivated. They understand the material better and can develop their skills more effectively. In this way, Koen believes he is also working on attitudes that support lifelong learning. However, he lacks technology that smoothly integrates everything into his design. 

He therefore works with physical dashboards that physically visualise the learning process. Who builds his digital and more efficient version with this design principle?