5_Story van Koen en Yassine
Design principle nr. 5: Data dashboards for learning processes
Dashboards for the Learning Process
Yassine preferred to remain in the background out of uncertainty. That gradually changed when he was taught maths by Mr Koen. Koen explained that Yassine and his classmates were given more responsibility for their own learning and that everyone, including Yassine, had a role in learning and helping each other.
Yassine discovered that he felt more involved in learning. He gained some strings. He can choose whether he needs instruction and Mr Koen can see if my choice is correct with my progress. He has a dashboard that displays all our choices as well as our progress live. This is only possible if everyone follows the rules of the game. Mr Koen is very strict about that.
Yassine is now growing in tackling his own learning. He feels more ownership of his own learning and that makes him come out of his shadow more often. It also gave him more opportunity to raise his voice and develop his skills from time to time. Both Koen and Yassine gained more insight. Yassine in the structure of the learning process and how important it is to be purposeful with learning, and Koen in where exactly his efforts produce good results. Both in terms of instruction and coaching students.
The dashboard acts as a good compass for Koen, laying down a didactic playing field in which he and the students can work with a calm focus. Koen was given more space to observe his students and also immediately saw what was going smoothly or less smoothly. For instance, he had noticed how Yassine had grown and gave him a nice compliment. Yassine beamed, another piece of growth in self-confidence and self-awareness.