Intellectual Outputs
Linked to our objectives and building upon the innovative experience and expertise of the project partners this project will produce the following outputs:
IO1: A practice framework
The practice framework consists of a position paper and visuals that explain the why, what and how of our project. The output aims to gather, (1) knowledge of the key factors in our project; technology-enhanced learning, online learning formats and SRL promotion, (2) the knowledge and some specific results from the previous projects tMAIL and SLIDEshow focusing on bringing SRL into the classroom and (3) new knowledge of research regarding COVID-19 and education. Output 1 targets teachers, other educational stakeholders and educational researchers.
IO2: An online teacher training
The training aims to enhance teachers capacity to analyze how they currently support SRL skills; train teachers how to analyze their digital practices and learn them to identify their struggles concerning the use of digital tools and promoting SRL; show them whether and how digital tools may help them; train teachers to use the patterns and consequently use the tools and platforms in such a way that it supports students’ learning. Specifically, teachers and other educational stakeholders (such as school principals, ICT coordinators) are targeted.
IO3: A repository of templates and examples
A central aim to the INSTALL-ed project is to create an answer to the question: What can teachers do to support specific aspects of SRL with tool X,Y, ...?. This is done by providing various templates of already tested prompts and scripts for SRL that can be adapted for various educational settings. Next to these patterns, practical examples for teachers are paramount, showing them how to use digital tools/platforms, what they can do with it, to ultimately show how they can support their students’ SRL development.
IO4: User stories
Output 4 aims to produce some recommendations for edtech companies. Specifically, Output 4 will design some user stories and design principles which edtech companies could use in designing future (SRL-proof) tools and platforms. Specifically, the output aims to increase the knowledge about SRL skills, give insight in ideal teacher and student experiences when using digital solutions to support students’ SRL and offer concrete (plans for) improvements of software in favor of SRL skills. A service-design trajectory will be adopted in order to develop output 4.
IO5: A guide for policymakers
For policy makers in particular policy recommendations evidenced from the INSTALL-ed project will be produced in Output 5. Recommendations on local/regional level and on European level will be formulated.