IO2: Teacher Training

Output 2 consisted of training to support teachers and strengthen their digital pedagogical competencies, with attention for SRL. With this training we tapped into the specific needs that showed up due to COVID19, such as the recent sudden shift to online and distance learning; specifically using technology in their education and supporting their students from a distance. 

The training had the following objectives:

The teacher training was seen as pilots, where we trained teachers from different countries in our consortium. We trained teachers in Belgium, Ireland, Finland and Estonia given the partners in these countries have direct partnerships and links with teacher training and teacher professional development in order to reach and recruit teachers. 

In designing and activating the INSTALL-Ed professional learning experiences for participants, the training was delivered in 4 modules:

Module 1: Introduction to SRL

Module 2: Introduction to Learning Design

Module 3: Creating SRL learning experiences

Module 4: Reflection on Professional Practice

The modules were delivered with a mix of asynchronous activities and synchronous live sessions. Teachers accessed the asynchronous course content on the TeachNimble Platform. The content was released to the teachers in each region on a phased basis, so that they could access the asynchronous content in advance of meeting their fellow teachers live. The live sessions took place in a mixture of face-to-face physical settings or online, and were individualised to the partner country. Teachers engaged in SRL themselves by engaging with the asynchronous content in advance of the live sessions, which focused more on active learning activities where teachers discussed and shared their views and their designs with their colleagues.

Output 2 is also based on O1 and was further adapted during the project from O3. Additionally, the training and especially the evaluation of the training will provide some input for O4 (user stories) and O5 (policy paper). 

Link to the course on TeachNimble: